Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Love Fades" - FREE PROMO

BIG news everyone! My short story, "Love Fades" will be on a FREE PROMO on Amazon, August 4th through the 8th! That's right, FREE! Because who doesn't love free stuff?!

The reason for me doing this, someone may ask? Well, it's not actually for promotional reasons, at least in my mind. "Love Fades" carries important messages within it, and I believe that everyone should have a chance to read it.

If you're not sure whether this story is for you, that is understandable (as I have literally said nothing about the actual content of said story). So therefore, here are the basics:

Summary: A bruise appears on Sam's neck - a bruise that prompts questions to be asked and causes paradigms to shift. Somehow, a bruise has appeared on Sam's neck, with only one possible culprit. But it couldn't be her...right? This short story breaks the rules by reversing a situation we all know, delving into the depths of a relationship gone wrong - and into secrets not spoken. 

Word count: 6,000-ish

Warnings: Domestic violence/abuse

After letting my friend read this (the cheap dude refused to pay when he knew he could convince me to give it to him for free), he asked me what inspired me to write this. 

Well...actually his exact phrasing was, "What put this into your mind, you crazy hipster?"

My response was simple. You see, I had been watching the famed television show "What Would You Do?" and one of the scenarios showed a man being verbally and physically attacked by his girlfriend. I was shocked, naturally, because when you think of people being abused, you usually think of women and children. However, upon looking more into it, men actually make up 40% of the abused population of the world.

That's right. 40%. A rather large number, definitely one that should not be ignored.

Interested in the concept and it's reception from the general public, I looked into various media types, trying to see if abuse against men was ever brought up or "used" as a device. 

What did I come up with? Siding from a few memoirs, there were no books about grown men being abused by their partners, female or otherwise. There were a few manga, but only the yaoi ones took the subject seriously. Movies and television shows? Nothing besides that episode of "What Would You Do?".

What made it all worse, was the fact that if there was abuse against a man from a woman, it was played for laughs or comic relief, or was just some sort of feminist statement. 

(Now I have nothing against feminism, as I am probably considered a feminist. However, being as such does not give me or any female the right to hurt our partners, the same going for men.)

Anyway, upon discovering the absolute lack of anything pertaining to the subject of "abuse against men", I wrote "Love Fades".

I hope you will check this book out, and tell your friends! That 40% has as much right as the other 60% to have their voices heard.

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