Thursday, August 7, 2014


Salutations, humans! Today, due to the fact I have nothing really to say, I shall introduce you to my cats! How exciting!

First, we have (from top down) Loki, Grell, and Sunflower.
- Loki was named for the Marvel villain/Norse God, Loki. Though...she is a girl.
- Grell was named for the androgynous Grim Reaper from "Kuroshitsuji" or "Black Butler".
- Sunflower was named as such, because Ivan Bragginski (Russia from "Hetalia") I found a little strange for a female cat.

This itty bitty sweetie, Alex.
- Alex is named for Alex from "A Clockwork Orange". But he's actually really sweet!

This little menace, Widget.
- Named, of course, for one of the red-headed twins from "The Night Circus".

This dorky albino, Gilbert.
- Named for Prussia, from Hetalia.

Adorable, though the antisocial Titan.
- Named for one of three things.
     1.) "Attack on Titan"
     2.) "Remember the Titans"
     3.) "Sym Bionic Titan"

This little calico, Hazel Grace.
- Named, of course, for Hazel Grace from (the absolutely incredibly amazing) John Green's novel, "The Fault in Our Stars".

This cutie, who has yet to loose his baby fur: Rabbit.
- I don't know why I named him this. I guess I find humor in naming animals after animals that are not the same species.

This bipolar boy with a girl's name, Poppet.
- Named for the other red-headed twin from "The Night Circus". Of course he's a

Yep. So those are my crazy and fun cats! Enjoy the adorableness!

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