Sunday, August 10, 2014

Editing issues

Due to many issues with editing, "The Evil Queen" will be published tomorrow, or Tuesday at the latest! Thanks for the patience!

Friday, August 8, 2014

On Rick!

Of course, if you read my post yesterday, you'd realize that Rick is not indeed not a person, but my wonderful laptop! Anyway, due to the fact that he has better capabilities than my home computer, I have finally started on my book trailers! Fun! I am currently editing tracks for background music, though I think I may do an original piano composition, sans editing, for "Zenith"...not sure yet. But it will certainly be an adventure!

What a day!

Salutations! Today was quite busy - getting back in tough with friends and the like. Good times...Anywho, I have had my highest sale day ever (granted, all sales were free, but I still call that a success). Remember, both "Zenith" and "Love Fades" are free until 12:00pm EST.

And even if you miss he deadline, it's no big deal! "Zenith" is regularly $2.99, and "Love Fades" is $.99!

Enjoy, lovies~

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Big news for "Zenith"

Tomorrow, my first short story goes on a one-day-only promotional deal! That's write, "Zenith" will be available for FREE!!!

Summary: Nova has spent her entire life stuck in a game of reaching; reaching for Deidre, the singular bright spot in a seemingly endless tunnel of darkness. Her love for Deidre is unwavering. It appears as though Deidre's web of enchantment has forever entrapped Nova, leaving no escape. 

However, as they venture further into their senior year of high school, a mix of harsh violence and pure romance tangle the already messed up web of their lives, leaving the two hanging in a very delicate balance. 

Heartwrenchingly real and breathtakingly beautiful, this tragic love story told through Nova's eyes helps to prove that happy endings - the zenith of life - do exist within the realm of possibilities.

It's a nice (try totally and completely tragic) love (see unrequited) story, involving two girls (les-be-honest). Seriously though, you should check it out. There's nothing to loose, after all!

Lastly, don't forget to maybe drop a rating and/or review! Authors love feedback, after all, so that they may learn what their audience likes!

Tomorrow is also the last day to get "Love Fades" for free. If you like quick reads, and something that will "shift your paradigm", then this is something for you!

Link for "Zenith":

Link for "Love Fades":

Rick returns!

Tomorrow, my darling Rick will be returned to me! ^u^

And who is Rick, you may ask? That would be my actual laptop, that isn't totally and completely...Dell. The only bad thing about Rick is that he has no place to put disks. Yeah, he's a Macbook Air.

Anyway, it will be amazing to have him back to me, because I find it easier to write on him, as opposed to my home computer. Also he's faster. So he'll be able to load the anime I'm currently watching MUCH MORE QUICKLY!

Yay that!

How do I get my ideas?

I have this process, and it's very weird. You see, I am a huge fan of Disney, Pixar, and the like. So, one day, I wrote down every character from every movie's names, and entered them in this randomized pairing thing. 

Bam boom bam, I have about 100 random pairs. 

So I go through each of the pairings, and come up with some wacky way for the two characters to meet and whatnot. Then using that, I throw in my own characters, and bam boom bam, we have ourselves a wacky story.


Salutations, humans! Today, due to the fact I have nothing really to say, I shall introduce you to my cats! How exciting!

First, we have (from top down) Loki, Grell, and Sunflower.
- Loki was named for the Marvel villain/Norse God, Loki. Though...she is a girl.
- Grell was named for the androgynous Grim Reaper from "Kuroshitsuji" or "Black Butler".
- Sunflower was named as such, because Ivan Bragginski (Russia from "Hetalia") I found a little strange for a female cat.

This itty bitty sweetie, Alex.
- Alex is named for Alex from "A Clockwork Orange". But he's actually really sweet!

This little menace, Widget.
- Named, of course, for one of the red-headed twins from "The Night Circus".

This dorky albino, Gilbert.
- Named for Prussia, from Hetalia.

Adorable, though the antisocial Titan.
- Named for one of three things.
     1.) "Attack on Titan"
     2.) "Remember the Titans"
     3.) "Sym Bionic Titan"

This little calico, Hazel Grace.
- Named, of course, for Hazel Grace from (the absolutely incredibly amazing) John Green's novel, "The Fault in Our Stars".

This cutie, who has yet to loose his baby fur: Rabbit.
- I don't know why I named him this. I guess I find humor in naming animals after animals that are not the same species.

This bipolar boy with a girl's name, Poppet.
- Named for the other red-headed twin from "The Night Circus". Of course he's a

Yep. So those are my crazy and fun cats! Enjoy the adorableness!